Credit Report reporting incorrectly?

We will assist you in the repair of your credit reports to reflect the correct status of each account. If a paid debt is still showing a collection or charge off, we can assist you in getting the docuementation you have directly to the bureau for correction. Unfortunately, when you pay a debt off, they don't always reflect that you paid from the account holder to the bureaus. The way to get it fixed is to get the documents that reflect the debt paid to the bureaus. If an account is not yours at all, we can assist you in an online dispute form or by mail dispute which takes about 30 days for correction. We assist you at NO CHARGE. Once we get a free credit report from once a year per applicant name that reflects the changes corrected, we can then order a credit report directly for a credit score credit report if applicable at our cost for accessing your credit fico scores and loan profile for determining your home loan that you qualify for. Call or email or comment if you have any questions. You can refer to this link to my website credit repair page.