Get Loan Approval Today!

You need loan approval before submitting offers on homes. Most of the homes available are REO's or Short Sales of bank owned properties that want a loan approval to even look at your offer to purchase the homes they are offering. Some banks will pay some if not all of your closing costs if you ask in your offer. There are a lot of cash buyers out there which are mostly investors whom are gonna get rich in the short years to come. If you have a descent fico score after surviving in this economy, you have a chance to catch this boat. If you have no fico score with alternative credit and no 30 day lates in the last 12 months, you can get a loan. If you have a low as 500 fico, you will need 10% down. If you have a minimum of 580 fico with no derogatory credit in the last 12 months and 4 good credit trades, you have a loan with only 1/2% down. If you have a 620 fico, you can get a zero down loan to purchase the home of your choice. There are many simple fixes to credit reports that are reporting incorrectly and can get your scores up 20-100 points to get a better rate and term and is worth the effort. Don't miss this boat as it will be another 10 years or so before it comes back around. We fix credit for clients at no cost to you so please don't hesitate to contact us...

Frank Shaw                   Sheryl Arndt